Jonathan I. Palisoc

Hi! I'm Jonathan and I'm currently a Health Policy + Economics PhD candidate at the University of Michigan. I specialize in Medicaid+Medicare financing, payment reform, Section 1115 waivers, and uncompensated care. I'm currently writing my dissertation and working part-time doing freelance consulting.

Previous positions include working for the California Medicaid Director, Kaiser Permanente, UC Berkeley's Labor Center, California's public health system association, the California legislature, CMMI, CMS, and for the Secretary at HHS.

Personal stuff: Half Dutch, half Filipino, NorCal native, first-gen college student. BS in Quantitative Economics from Cal Poly SLO, MPP from Berkeley's Goldman School. Lover of climbing, backpacking, golfing, fantasy/sci-fi, mead, textured oil painting, and being a painful 25-year fan of the Sacramento Kings.

My links

Medimaze (Professional Blog - Health economics & policy)

Medium (Personal Blog)



CV (coming soon)

Email (for anything from business, freelancing, personal, or media inquiries, please use this email.)